
  • Strategy investments in zero-sum games
    • INFORMS Optimization Society Conference - Mar 2024, Houston, TX
  • A combinatorial disjunctive constraint approach to optimal path planning
    • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023 - Oct 2023, Detroit, MI
    • INFORMS Annual Conference 2022 - Oct 2022, Indianapolis, IN
    • MIP Workshop 2022 (poster) - May 2022, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
    • Kavraki Lab - May 2022, Rice University, Houston, TX
  • Leveraging machine learning to develop collision avoidance systems for manned and unmanned aircraft
    • TAPIA Conference - Sep 2022, Washington, D.C.
  • Deep learning for precision waterbird monitoring
    • Rice Data to Science (D2K) Lab Showcase 2022 (poster) - May 2022, Rice University, Houston, TX
  • On the value of binary expansions for general mixed-integer programs (paper presentation)
    • Rice SIAM Journal Club - Feb 2022, Rice University, Houston, TX